Lounge Designgroup

Lounge Designgroup

This studio was set up in 2006 in the German city of Halle by Alexander Grimm and Ronny Eysser. Both designers studied product design and graduated from the University of Art and Design Burg Giebichenstein Halle. They were involved in automotive projects for Fiat or Daimler-Chrysler and in the projects of well-known designer Luigi Colani. They worked as product managers for Cosmobrandlab AG, a design studio involved mostly in merchandising. Lounge Designgroup currently offers design services and operates across many industries – in furniture production, lighting, wrapping materials, school items and interior design, merchandising items and corporate design. Now we offer their products under the new brand, LOUNGE design.

For TON, they designed the Tolken table and the Rioja chair

  • COMPANY (주)에프엠가구 라운지    대표 임지웅    
  • E-mail info@rounge.co.kr    CS CENTER 02-6956-9293
  • MALL ORDER LICENSE 2018-서울강남-03932 [사업자정보확인]
  • BUSINESS LICENSE 195-85-00950    
  • ADDRESS (06313) 서울특별시 강남구 개포동 1163-8 라운지